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Sample code showing how to use Android ID Attestation

Android 8 added 'ID attestation' (according to

Has anyone figured out how to use this feature? The closest I've found is (, but I don't any of those APIs ship with the Android SDK. They don't appear in my IDE when using the P developer preview (compileSdkVersion 'android-P' and targetSdkVersion 'P').


  • I was able to hack around and came up with an demo code that does Key/ID attestation. See

    While the program runs, I have two problems at this moment,

    • All the hardware ID are shown as "NOT PRESENT". See below. Clearly they are there. How to make them appear?
    • Currently we generate a key and its attestation in one step (keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair()) because we have to request attestation when initializing keyPairGenerator. It is very unnatural. Is there a way to request key/ID attestation after the key is created?

    Here is a quick recap of my demo code just for quick reference:

    • generate a key pair with challenge phrase in keystore
    • fetch the key pair and its certificate chain
    • display cert[0] extension data with bouncy castle library

    I also attached the output the program for easy reference.

     Getting key 'key1' ...
     found the key with alias 'key1' ...
     private key :
     public key : MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEOfYzvOETzK0NGmlkk3vnuDb9FilG7iiRYGJX2pQy
     what is happening ...
     number certificates in the chain is 4
     Attestation version: 3
     Attestation Security Level: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT
     Keymaster Version: 4
     Keymaster Security Level: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT
     Attestation Challenge: hello, this is challenge phrase [jsun]
     Unique ID: []
        Software Enforced Authorization List:
        Purpose(s): NOT PRESENT
        Algorithm: NOT PRESENT
        Key Size: NOT PRESENT
        Digest: NOT PRESENT
        Padding: NOT PRESENT
        EC Curve: NOT PRESENT
        RSA Public Exponent: NOT PRESENT
        Rollback Resistance: false
        Active DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        Origination Expire DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        Usage Expire DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        No Auth Required: false
        User Auth Type: NOT PRESENT
        Auth Timeout: NOT PRESENT
        Allow While On Body: false
        Trusted User Presence Required: false
        Trusted Confirmation Required: false
        Unlocked Device Required: false
        All Applications: false
        Application ID: NOT PRESENT
        Creation DateTime: 2020-03-07T17:58:57.143Z
        Origin: NOT PRESENT
        Rollback Resistant: false
        OS Version: NOT PRESENT
        OS Patch Level: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation Application ID:
            Package Infos (<package name>, <version>): 
                net.junsun.idattestation, 1
            Signature Digests:
        Attestation Application ID Bytes: MEUxHzAdBBhuZXQuanVuc3VuLmlkYXR0ZXN0YXRpb24CAQExIgQgGGv7HVeENa6GZO4irSicN64Wz38NJ7QHsmC0Z2G7s4g=
        Attestation ID Brand: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Device: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Product: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Serial: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID IMEI: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID MEID: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Manufacturer: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Model: NOT PRESENT
        Vendor Patch Level: NOT PRESENT
        Boot Patch Level: NOT PRESENT
        TEE Enforced Authorization List:
        Purpose(s): [2, 3]
        Algorithm: 3
        Key Size: 256
        Digest: NOT PRESENT
        Padding: NOT PRESENT
        EC Curve: 1
        RSA Public Exponent: NOT PRESENT
        Rollback Resistance: false
        Active DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        Origination Expire DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        Usage Expire DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        No Auth Required: true
        User Auth Type: NOT PRESENT
        Auth Timeout: NOT PRESENT
        Allow While On Body: false
        Trusted User Presence Required: false
        Trusted Confirmation Required: false
        Unlocked Device Required: false
        All Applications: false
        Application ID: NOT PRESENT
        Creation DateTime: NOT PRESENT
        Origin: 0
        Rollback Resistant: false
        OS Version: 100000
        OS Patch Level: 202002
        Attestation Application ID Bytes: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Brand: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Device: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Product: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Serial: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID IMEI: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID MEID: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Manufacturer: NOT PRESENT
        Attestation ID Model: NOT PRESENT
        Vendor Patch Level: 20200205
        Boot Patch Level: 20200205