I want to perform rolling median on price column over 4 days back, data will be groupped by date. So basically I want to take prices for a given day and all prices for 4 days back and calculate median out of these values.
Here are the sample data:
id date price
1637027 2020-01-21 7045204.0
280955 2020-01-11 3590000.0
782078 2020-01-28 2600000.0
1921717 2020-02-17 5500000.0
1280579 2020-01-23 869000.0
2113506 2020-01-23 628869.0
580638 2020-01-25 650000.0
1843598 2020-02-29 969000.0
2300960 2020-01-24 5401530.0
1921380 2020-02-19 1220000.0
853202 2020-02-02 2990000.0
1024595 2020-01-27 3300000.0
565202 2020-01-25 3540000.0
703824 2020-01-18 3990000.0
426016 2020-01-26 830000.0
I got close with combining rolling and groupby:
df.groupby('date').rolling(window = 4, on = 'date')['price'].median()
But this seems to add one row per each index value and by median definition, I am not able to somehow merge these rows to produce one result per row.
Result now looks like this:
date date
2020-01-10 2020-01-10 NaN
2020-01-10 NaN
2020-01-10 NaN
2020-01-10 3070000.0
2020-01-10 4890000.0
2020-03-11 2020-03-11 4290000.0
2020-03-11 3745000.0
2020-03-11 3149500.0
2020-03-11 3149500.0
2020-03-11 3149500.0
Name: price, Length: 389716, dtype: float64
It seems it just deleted 3 first values and then just printed price value.
Is it possible to get one lagged / moving median value per one date?
You can use rolling
with a frequency window of 5 days to get today and last 4 days, then drop_duplicates
to keep the last row per day. First create a copy
(if you want to keep the original one), sort_values
per date and ensure the date column is datetime
#sort and change to datetime
df_f = df[['date','price']].copy().sort_values('date')
df_f['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_f['date'])
#create the column rolling
df_f['price'] = df_f.rolling('5D', on='date')['price'].median()
#drop_duplicates and keep the last row per day
df_f = df_f.drop_duplicates(['date'], keep='last').reset_index(drop=True)
print (df_f)
date price
0 2020-01-11 3590000.0
1 2020-01-18 3990000.0
2 2020-01-21 5517602.0
3 2020-01-23 869000.0
4 2020-01-24 3135265.0
5 2020-01-25 2204500.0
6 2020-01-26 849500.0
7 2020-01-27 869000.0
8 2020-01-28 2950000.0
9 2020-02-02 2990000.0
10 2020-02-17 5500000.0
11 2020-02-19 3360000.0
12 2020-02-29 969000.0