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Where are exceptions thrown when arguments are passed by value

I have a type throwing when copied:

struct A { A(const A&) { throw 1; } };

void doit(A)

int main()
    A a;
    return 0;

Is the exception thrown inside or outside of the function? Can I declare the function as noexcept?


  • See C++17 []/4

    ... The initialization and destruction of each parameter occurs within the context of the calling function. [ Example: The access of the constructor, conversion functions or destructor is checked at the point of call in the calling function. If a constructor or destructor for a function parameter throws an exception, the search for a handler starts in the scope of the calling function; in particular, if the function called has a function-try-block (Clause 18) with a handler that could handle the exception, this handler is not considered. — end example ]

    So the exception is, as you would put it, thrown "outside of the function". You can declare it noexcept.