I am creating a table using jinja2 template. When I start to write all the html code in a single line, it breaks the table sent via email.
So I am writing
table_row = '<tr>\
table_row_template = jinja2.Template(table_row)
In a big loop, I start appending the data to the the table using the row template.
for developer in developer_json:
dev_count_list = dev_count_list\
+ table_row_template.render(dev = dev_count[0], pr_count = dev_count[1]) + '\n'
Finally when I render using dev_count_list
inside a base template, everything works fine.
My question - How is \n
interpreted by jinja2 template. Will it add a new line or just writes \n
Consider this minimal example:
t = Template("Hello \n{{ something }}!")
output = t.render(something="World")
for b in bytearray(output, 'ascii'):
print(b, chr(b))
This yields the rendered string byte-by-byte:
72 H
101 e
108 l
108 l
111 o
87 W
111 o
114 r
108 l
100 d
33 !
So as you can see, the \n
character (LF, 10 decimal) is preserved when rendering the output string.