I performed a Tukey HSD test in R, and I want to see the p-value of one of the comparisons. When I run the Tukey test, my p values are so small that on the table they just read as "0.0000000". I need to know what the actual value is, even if it is so small that it rounds off to 0. How can I do that? The ANOVA generates a p value of 2.2e-16.
data <- data.frame(temp=c(three,four,fif,six,sev),
final <- aov(temp~year,data=data)
tuk <- TukeyHSD(final)
Maybe try changing options?
options("scipen" = 100, "digits" = 22)
When you're done, set it back to default.
options("scipen" = 0, "digits" = 7)