Search code examples

I like to modify my selection field but there are no output coming

I know my object type is not matching to compare. I tried on @api.onchange but it says:

NullObject is not iterable for selection fields.


 from odoo import models,api,fields
 class semester(models.Model):
    _name = 'module2_semester'
    _description = 'Semester_Info'
    _rec_name = 'sem_id'

   sub = fields.Many2many('module2_subject')
   cou_id = fields.Many2one('module2_course',"Course Name",required=True)
   sem_id = fields.Char("Semester ID")
   sem_name = fields.Selection(selection='_getSem_value',string="Semester")
   reg_no = fields.Integer("Registration Number",size=20)

   def _getSem_value(self):

        if self.cou_id=='BTECH':

             return [('1','1'),
        if self.cou_id=='MCA':

           return [('1','1'),
      if self.cou_id=='MTECH':

           return [('1','1'),


  • You can change the Semester field type to many2one and set the attribute widget to selection in the view definition.
    When the value of cou_id changes you have just to filter the records shown in the selection field by returning a custom domain.

    class Semester(models.Model):
        _name = 'semester'
        _description = 'Semester'
        name = fields.Integer()
    class semester(models.Model):
        _name = 'module2_semester'
        _description = 'Semester_Info'
        _rec_name = 'sem_id'
        sub = fields.Many2many('module2_subject')
        cou_id = fields.Many2one('module2_course',"Course Name",required=True)
        sem_id = fields.Char("Semester ID")
        # sem_name = fields.Selection(selection='_getSem_value',string="Semester")
        reg_no = fields.Integer("Registration Number",size=20)
        sem_name = fields.Many2one('semester', string="Semester")
        def _course_changed(self):
            self.sem_name = False
            if self.cou_id:
                # Initialize `semesters` in case `` is not listed below
                semesters = 0
                if == 'BTECH':
                    semesters = 8
                if == 'MCA':
                    semesters = 6
                if == 'MTECH':
                    semesters = 4
                sem_ids = self.env['semester'].search([('name', '<=', semesters )])
                return {'domain': {'sem_name': [('id', 'in', sem_ids.ids)]}}

    In the view definition:

    <field name="sem_name" widget="selection"/>