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How to get innertext of a Li Using file_get_html

I have tried to get an Api from MyDramalist but I could not do it. Now I'm going to extract information from That using PHP. For example, how can I get the country?

My PHP Code:

$html = file_get_html($id_movie);
foreach ($html->find('.list-item') as $element) {
                        foreach ($element->find("b") as $subelement) {
                            // episode runtime
                            if(preg_match('/Duration/i', $subelement->innertext)){
                                preg_match_all('/[\d](,)?\d*/', $element->plaintext, $matches);
                                $runtime = implode(',', $matches[0]);


My PHP code is not correct

The Output:


I need This Output:

2hr 2min

MyDramaList HTML :

<div class="box-body light-b"> 
    <ul class="list m-b-0"> 
        <li class="list-item p-a-0">
        <b class="inline">Country:</b>
        South Korea 
        <i class="flag flags-c3"></i>
        <li class="list-item p-a-0">
        <b class="inline duration">Duration:</b> 
        2 hr. 2 min.
        <li class="list-item p-a-0 content-rating">
        <b class="inline">Rating:</b>
        13+ - Teens 13 or older


  • Try :

    $runtime = $matches[0][0]."hr ".$matches[0][1]."min";