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Deserializing azure keyvault secret json to MicrosoftIdentityOptions

I load the keyvault secrets when the app starts and the configuration has the vault secrets added as we can see here. I am using the Microsoft.Identity.Web for adding the AD SSO and registers the AddSignin() as mentioned in the samples. But the secret is not getting serialized as expected at this point. However if the secrets are kept in appsettings.json it works fine. How can I make this work? An explicit deserialization is required?

Please find below the entire code setup

1.Program.cs has the below code.

ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostingCtx, config) =>

            if (hostingCtx.HostingEnvironment.IsProduction())
                var builtConfig = config.Build();
                AzureKeyVaultConfigurationExtensions.AddAzureKeyVault(config, builtConfig["AppConfiguration:KeyVaultUrl"]);
  1. The secret in the below json format is stored in keyvault
  1. Added a reference to Microsoft.Identity.Web

  2. Registered the below service in Startup.cs->ConfigureService

    services.AddAuthentication(sharedOptions =>
                    sharedOptions.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                    sharedOptions.DefaultChallengeScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                .AddSignIn("AzureAd1", configuration, options => configuration.Bind("AzureAd1", options));
  1. On application bootstrap the below variable microsoftIdentityOptions is null

File - WebAppServiceCollectionExtensions.cs

public static AuthenticationBuilder AddSignIn(
                this AuthenticationBuilder builder,
                string configSectionName,
                IConfiguration configuration,
                string openIdConnectScheme,
                string cookieScheme,
                Action<OpenIdConnectOptions> configureOptions,
                bool subscribeToOpenIdConnectMiddlewareDiagnosticsEvents = false)
                builder.Services.Configure(openIdConnectScheme, configureOptions);
                builder.Services.Configure<MicrosoftIdentityOptions>(options => configuration.Bind(configSectionName, options));

                var microsoftIdentityOptions = configuration.GetSection(configSectionName).Get<MicrosoftIdentityOptions>();

Any help deeply appreciated.

Thank you


  • The answer is right here

    Create secrets in the key vault as name-value pairs.

    Azure Key Vault secret names are limited to alphanumeric characters and dashes. Hierarchical values (configuration sections) use -- (two dashes) as a separator. Colons, which are normally used to delimit a section from a subkey in ASP.NET Core configuration, aren't allowed in key vault secret names. Therefore, two dashes are used and swapped for a colon when the secrets are loaded into the app's configuration.

    Instead of keeping all the secrets inside a single json, each property should be added as a single secret.

    For eg "AzureAd1--TenantId" should be the name of the key where AzureAd1 denotes the section