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Pulumi Azure: Get Service Principal ObjectId

I'm running pulumi inside an azure devops pipeline. I need to find the the pipeline Service Principal ObjectId

var clientConfig = Output.Create(Pulumi.Azure.Core.Invokes.GetClientConfig());
var clientId = clientConfig.Apply(c => c.ObjectId);

This gives me the application ObjectId as an Output, now from here how can I find my Service Principal ObjectId.

I can't do that because clientId is Output<string> and ObjectId is expecting string

var adApp = Output.Create(Pulumi.AzureAD.Invokes.GetApplication(new GetApplicationArgs { ObjectId = clientId}));
var adSp = Output.Create(Pulumi.AzureAD.Invokes.GetServicePrincipal(new GetServicePrincipalArgs { ApplicationId = adApp.App(a => a.ApplicationId)});


  • You should use Apply method here:

    var adApp = clientId.Apply(id => 
            new GetApplicationArgs { ObjectId = id }));
    var adSp = adApp.ApplicationId.Apply(appid =>
            new GetServicePrincipalArgs { ApplicationId = appid }));