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Kable table R: diagonal cells in bold

Let's say I have a data table:

lttrs <- c('a', 'b', 'c')
a <- c(5, 9, 2)
b <- c(3, 3, 8)
c <- c(14, 2, 0)

df <-, a, b, c))


       lttrs a b  c
1:     a 5 3 14
2:     b 9 3  2
3:     c 2 8  0

Now I would like to make a table with kable like this:

tableDf <- df[]%>%
  kable("html", escape = F) %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "left")

Giving me the following image enter image description here

I would like the diagonal values to be bold in (5, 3, 0). I guess I have to work with cell_spec and have to make a condition in which df$lttrs == colnames(df), however, I have not managed to fix this. Anyone has a solution to it?


  • We can use cell_spec from library(kableExtra)

    for (i in df[, seq_len(.N)]) {
      df[i, i+1L] <- cell_spec(df[i, i+1L, with=F], "html", bold=T)
    kable(df, "html", escape = F) %>% 
      kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F) 

    enter image description here

    If you really want things to stand out, you can also change colors and fonts etc. For example,

    for (i in df[, seq_len(.N)]) {
      df[i, i+1L] <- cell_spec(df[i, i+1L, with=F], "html", bold=T, background = "red", color = "white")

    enter image description here