Here is the code
$conn = 'saruspc01', ''
function lll {
foreach($co in $conn)
$check = Test-Connection $co -Count 3 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$zugriffzeit = $check | select ResponseTime | Measure-Object ResponseTime -Average
$avg = [system.math]::Round($zugriffzeit.Average)
if($check -eq $null)
$pcre = Write-Output $co
$pire = Write-Output 'False'
$zure = 'Null'
$pcre = Write-Output $co
$pire = Write-Output 'True'
$zure = Write-Output "$avg ms"
$zure = $zure.Replace(' ','')
$table += @( @{PCName=$pcre; PingResult=$pire; Zugriffszeit=$zure} )
#$table | ForEach {[PSCustomObject]$_} | Format-Table -AutoSize
If I execute the same code without Function, it works. I need the Funktion though and want to do this is this way. How can I fix it?
The big issue is that you're adding items to $table
but you don't return
the table output back to the user. So, first things first, modify the end of your function to read like this. (I added the comment #EndOfForEach
to help highlight where the changes need to go.
$table += @( @{PCName=$pcre; PingResult=$pire; Zugriffszeit=$zure} )
return $table
With that change done, your function will work but only when you call it like so:
Name Value
---- -----
PCName behemoth
Zugriffszeit 1ms
PingResult True
PCName notonline
Zugriffszeit Null
PingResult False
At this point, I'd recommend two changes. One, the layout is hard to read, so I'd convert the function to use a [psCustomObject]
datatype instead, like so.
function lll {
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$results.Add([psCustomObject]@{PCName=$pcre; PingResult=$pire; Zugriffszeit=$zure})| Out-Null
return $results
For an output like so:
PCName PingResult Zugriffszeit
------ ---------- ------------
behemoth True 1ms
notonline False Null
And if you want to take your function to the next level, you'd be well serverd to look to modify the function to accept parameters instead of relying on the $conn
variable already being set. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions or if I could dig deeper into an area.
maintain a value?PowerShell uses variable scoping, so the $results
variable we define in this function will only exist for as long as the function is running. To keep the results, assign them to a variable when you call the function, like this.
$MyPingResults = lll
#no output is written to screen.
PS>$MyPingResults #get all results
PCName PingResult Zugriffszeit
------ ---------- ------------
behemoth True 1ms
notonline False Null
PS>$myPingResults[0] #get first result
PCName PingResult Zugriffszeit
------ ---------- ------------
behemoth True 7ms
PS>$myPingResults | Where PingResult -eq $false #only get failed results
PCName PingResult Zugriffszeit
------ ---------- ------------
notonline False Null
function lll {
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($co in $conn)
$check = Test-Connection $co -Count 3 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$zugriffzeit = $check | select ResponseTime | Measure-Object ResponseTime -Average
$avg = [system.math]::Round($zugriffzeit.Average)
if($check -eq $null)
$pcre = Write-Output $co
$pire = Write-Output 'False'
$zure = 'Null'
$pcre = Write-Output $co
$pire = Write-Output 'True'
$zure = Write-Output "$avg ms"
$zure = $zure.Replace(' ','')
$results.Add([psCustomObject]@{PCName=$pcre; PingResult=$pire; Zugriffszeit=$zure})| Out-Null
return $results