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Parse JSON String to JsonObject/Map/MutableMap in Kotlin

I'm fairly new to Kotlin and I'm having trouble manipulating a basic JSON string to access its contents. The JSON string looks like this:

"{\"id\":24,\"name\":\"nope\",\"username\":\"unavailable1991\",\"profile_image_90\":\"/uploads/user/profile_image/24/23102ca5-1412-489d-afdf-235c112c7d8e.jpg\",\"followed_tag_names\":[],\"followed_tags\":\"[]\",\"followed_user_ids\":[],\"followed_organization_ids\":[],\"followed_podcast_ids\":[],\"reading_list_ids\":[],\"blocked_user_ids\":[],\"saw_onboarding\":true,\"checked_code_of_conduct\":true,\"checked_terms_and_conditions\":true,\"number_of_comments\":0,\"display_sponsors\":true,\"trusted\":false,\"moderator_for_tags\":[],\"experience_level\":null,\"preferred_languages_array\":[\"en\"],\"config_body_class\":\"default default-article-body pro-status-false trusted-status-false default-navbar-config\",\"onboarding_variant_version\":\"8\",\"pro\":false}"

I've tried using the Gson and Klaxon packages without any luck. My most recent attempt using Klaxon looked like this:

val json: JsonObject? = Klaxon().parse<JsonObject>(jsonString)

But I get the following error: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.beust.klaxon.JsonObject

I also tried trimming the double quotes (") at the start and end of the string, and also removing all the backslashes like this:

val jsonString = rawStr.substring(1,rawStr.length-1).replace("\\", "")

But when running the same Klaxon parse I now get the following error: com.beust.klaxon.KlaxonException: Unable to instantiate JsonObject with parameters []

Any suggestions (with or without Klaxon) to parse this string into an object would be greatly appreciated! It doesn't matter if the result is a JsonObject, Map or a custom class, as long as I can access the parsed JSON data :)


  • Gson is perfect library for this kinda task, here how to do it with gson.

    Kotlin implementation,

    var map: Map<String, Any> = HashMap()
    map = Gson().fromJson(jsonString, map.javaClass)

    Or if you want to try with Java,

    Gson gson = new Gson(); 
    Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    map = (Map<String,Object>) gson.fromJson(jsonString, map.getClass());

    And also I just tried with your json-string and it is perfectly working,

    enter image description here