i'm facing a problem I can't understand... here is a part of an initial code for an auto-rig :
def Legs():
Vleg = cmds.intSliderGrp('legs', q=True ,v=True)
if Vleg == 1:
Leg01 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg1', l= 'Sym. Limb no.1', min=0, max=8, f=True)
elif Vleg == 2:
Leg01 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg1', l= 'Sym. Limb no.1', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg02 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg2', l= 'Sym. Limb no.2', min=0, max=8, f=True)
elif Vleg == 3:
Leg01 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg1', l= 'Sym. Limb no.1', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg02 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg2', l= 'Sym. Limb no.2', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg03 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg3', l= 'Sym. Limb no.3', min=0, max=8, f=True)
else :
Leg01 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg1', l= 'Sym. Limb no.1', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg02 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg2', l= 'Sym. Limb no.2', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg03 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg3', l= 'Sym. Limb no.3', min=0, max=8, f=True)
Leg04 = cmds.intSliderGrp('Leg4', l= 'Sym. Limb no.4', min=0, max=8, f=True)
win = 'win'
win = cmds.window(win, s=True, t = 'Auto-rig Prototype')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.intSliderGrp ('legs', l = 'Number of symetrical parts', min=1, max=4, v=1, f=True)
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.text(l='please execute commands in the APPROPRIATE order')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = 'Legs()')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button (l = '2 : Create Guides', c = 'Guide()')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button( l= '3 : Set Rig', c= 'rig()')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button( l= '4 : Set CTRLS', c= 'ctrl()')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button( l= '5 : Parent CTRLS', c= 'Par()')
cmds.separator(h = 5 )
cmds.button (l = 'Delete selection and unused nodes', c = 'Suppr()')
When i run this scirpt alone, eveything works as expected, but then i tried to import it
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
def printNewMenuItem( item ):
if item == 'Arachnoid':
if cmds.window(InitWin, exists = True):
import SpidRig
else :
print str(item) + ' : this command is not scripted yet'
InitWin = cmds.window(t='Choose your rig')
if cmds.window(InitWin, exists = True):
cmds.window(t='Choose your rig')
cmds.optionMenu( label='Rig Type', changeCommand=printNewMenuItem)
cmds.menuItem( label='Basic Humanoid' )
cmds.menuItem( label='Arachnoid' )
cmds.menuItem( label='Bird' )
cmds.showWindow( InitWin )
And now, depending on times, either the window ' Auto-rig Prototype' never opens, either it returns me this error :
# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'Legs' is not defined #
what am i doing wrong?
try to remove the string from your commands :
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = Legs)
and write your command like so :
def Legs(*args):
Vleg = cmds.intSliderGrp('legs', q=True ,v=True)
run from a fresh maya restarted and then, we will be able to debug. It seems to be a problem of namespace / import / global var and local var
like this error :
# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'Legs' is not defined #
it means that when you click on this button :
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = 'Legs()')
it tries to exec this litteral command. But, zhen you import it like so :
import leg_script
you import it with a namespace : leg_script
for example, if you import like this :
import leg_script as leg
the namespace is : leg
in this two case you Leg proc is now written literally leg_script.Leg()
or leg.Leg()
You could get rid of the namespace by using :
from leg_script import *
but this is a bad practice beacause to debug your script it will become really difficult.
So to recap the problem, when you write litteral strings in command :
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = 'Legs()')
your script as problems with imports, if you want to ignore namespace problems :
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = Legs)
which is the way to go, otherwise you would havve to write the namespace in the string :
cmds.button (l = '1 : Set', c = 'leg_script.Legs()')
but it wont work in local and futhermore, only if it is called with this namespace.... so dont do it !