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How to prepare my dataset(Not Images) to implement FedAVG on Tensorflow Federated?

I want to train a federated model with the FedAvg Algorithm on TFF (Tensorflow Federated) using a 3-channel (X, Y, Z) accelerometer dataset with a time frame length of 128.

My goal is to train a federated model using


The guides on the TensorFlow Federated website mostly deal with datasets which already comes in the desired format for the model


I'm quite lost on how to convert my raw dataset to the desired format for TFF.

The dataset I am using has the following shape:

X: (-1, 128, 3) and Y: (-1)

X: are floats Y: are the integer labels of my dataset ranging from 0-6

Can anybody give me some pointers/examples on how I can tackle this?


  • First, for federated learning the dataset will need to be partitioned by user/participant. Does the dataset have a partitioning of the accelerometer readings and labels by user? If not, this is probably a task suited from standard centralized learning rather than federated learning.

    If there is a user partitioning, the following questions explain how to setup a tff.simulation.ClientData to model this distributed dataset. The fact that the data is images or not shouldn't matter, the techniques are applicable to any supervised learning of X, Y datasets: