I have two nodejs app deployed on Digital Ocean, with PM2, which I am learning. I'd like to know how I could update my apps (services) separately.
At the moment my pm2 config looks like this:
// ecosystem.config.js
module.exports = {
apps: [
name: `app1`,
script: './app1.js',
// ...
name: `app2`,
script: './app2.js',
// ...
deploy: {
production: {
key: '',
user: 'admin',
host: '',
ref: '',
repo: '',
path: '/home/admin/app/prod',
'post-deploy': './deploy.sh production'
development: {
key: '',
user: 'admin',
host: '',
ref: '',
repo: '',
path: '/home/admin/app/development',
'post-deploy': './deploy.sh development'
I can deploy per environment, like pm2 deploy production
But, can I do something like pm2 deploy development app2
to only update app2?
You have many ways to do that, for me I always create ecosystem file in the client folder and server folder, then create publish ecosystem file in the root folder, like:
The root ecosystem file like:
deploy: {
frontend: {
path: '/app/easyv_spaceship',
'post-deploy': 'cd ./client && npm install && npm run build'
backend: {
path: '/app/easyv_spaceship',
'post-deploy': 'cd ./server && npm install && npm run tsc && pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.config.js --env production'
hope this can inspire you.