Microsoft's OUTPUT Clause documentation says that you are allowed to use from_table_name in the OUTPUT clause's column name.
There are two examples of this:
Is it possible to also use it in an INSERT statement?
INSERT INTO T ( [Name] )
OUTPUT S.Code, inserted.Id INTO @TMP -- The multi-part identifier "S.Code" could not be bound.
-- A table to insert into.
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1),
[Name] varchar(100)
-- A table variable to store inserted Ids and related Codes
Code varchar(10),
ItemId int
-- Insert some new items
WITH S ([Name], Code) AS (
SELECT 'First', 'foo'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Second', 'bar'
-- Etc.
INSERT INTO @Item ( [Name] )
OUTPUT S.Code, inserted.Id INTO @T -- The multi-part identifier "S.Code" could not be bound.
No, because an INSERT doesn't have a FROM; it has a set of values that are prepared either by the VALUES keyword, or from a query (and even though that query has a FROM, you should conceive that it's already been run and turned into a block of values by the time the insert is done; there is no s.code
any more)
If you want to output something from the table that drove the insert you'll need to use a merge statement that never matches any records (so it's only inserting) instead, or perhaps insert all your data into @tmp and then insert from @tmp into the real table - @tmp will thus still be the record of rows that were inserted, it's just that it was created to drive the insert rather than as a consequence of it (caveats that it wouldn't contain calculated columns)