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How to use different conditions depending on variable value. Pro C / SQL

I am quite new to pro c and wanted to know wether the below is possible.

char car[11];
strcpy(car,""); /* default value*/

if this variable has a value it should be used within the sql below : So run for given car value only.

select *
from vehicles
where car = :car;

However if car is null then do the following sql: So run for all cars.

select *
from vehicles;

Is there a way to merge these two without needing to create duplicate sql queries where ones searches for a given car value and another for all cars.

Any Help would be appreciated.


  • As of SQL, that would be

    select *
    from vehicles
    where (car = :car or :car is null)

    Example from SQL*Plus (don't worry about &&car substitution variable; you'll use :car):

    Passing variable value:

    SQL> with vehicles (car) as
      2    (select 'BMW'      from dual union all
      3     select 'Mercedes' from dual union all
      4     select 'Audi'     from dual
      5    )
      6  select *
      7  from vehicles
      8  where (car = '&&car' or '&&car' is null);
    Enter value for car: Audi

    No value:

    SQL> undefine car
    SQL> /
    Enter value for car:
                                    --> here I pushed ENTER, without entering a value