I'm trying to use Pester for PowerShell to test some of my code, but I'm unable to get Pester to work in relation to errors.
Take this very basic example -
using module AccessTokenRequestModel
InModuleScope -ModuleName AccessTokenRequestModel -ScriptBlock {
### Create a new instance of the 'AccessTokenRequest' object.
$request = [AccessTokenRequest]::new()
Describe -Name "the 'AccessTokenRequest' module -" -Tags @("AccessTokenRequest","Get","Unit") -Fixture {
It "Given a valid organisation, the 'GetAccessToken' method should return a valid Access Token entity." {
$accessTokenEntity = $request.GetAccessToken("ValidOrg")
$accessTokenEntity.PartitionKey | Should be "AccessToken"
$accessTokenEntity.RowKey | Should be "ValidOrg"
$accessTokenEntity.AccessToken | Should be "12345"
It "Given an invalid organisation, the 'GetAccessToken' method should throw an error of type 'AccessTokenNotFoundException.'" {
$request.GetAccessToken("FakeOrg") | Should -Throw
The call to $tokens.GetAccessToken("FakeOrg")
resutls in an error of type AccessTokenNotFoundException
being thrown, however the Pester test is failing.
Describing the 'AccessTokenRequest' module -
[+] Given a valid organisation, the 'GetAccessToken' method should return a valid Access Token entity. 70ms
[-] Given an invalid organisation, the 'GetAccessToken' method should throw an error of type 'AccessTokenNotFoundException.' 61ms
AccessTokenNotFoundException: Access Token for organisation 'NonExistentAccessTokenTest' does not exist.
at GetAccessTokenEntity, C:\Users\dgard\OneDrive - Landmark Information Group Ltd\Function Apps\AzureDevOpsVariableChecker\Modules\AccessTokenService\AccessTokenService.psm1: line 73
at GetAccessToken, C:\Users\dgard\OneDrive - Landmark Information Group Ltd\Function Apps\AzureDevOpsVariableChecker\Modules\AccessTokenRequestModel\AccessTokenRequestModel.psm1: line 25
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\dgard\OneDrive - Landmark Information Group Ltd\Function Apps\AzureDevOpsVariableChecker\Tests\Unit\AccessTokenRequest.Tests.ps1: line 42
The error is being generated by a throw
command and so is a terminating error, as suggested in this question. And unless I'm misinterpreting the documentation, it suggests that a thrown error being evaluated by should -throw
should pass.
What am I missing here - how can I make this test pass when an error is thrown?
When testing for a -Throw
the input to Should
needs to be a scriptblock (so encased in curly braces), so change your test to this:
{ $request.GetAccessToken("FakeOrg") } | Should -Throw