Search code examples

dial tcp: lookup ip-x-x-xx.ec2.internal: no such host

I am using package to interact with Kafka. In my current approach I could connect to the broker and get all topic names without a problem (Consumer Code below).

However, when I try to delete some topic using the admin client (Admin Code below) I receive the "dial tcp: lookup ip-x-x-xx.ec2.internal: no such host" error.

I am out of ideas why I do receive this error. I would much appreciate any hints or possible solutions.


    config := sarama.NewConfig()
    config.Consumer.Return.Errors = true

    //get broker
    cluster, err := sarama.NewConsumer("localhost:9092", config)
    if err != nil {

    defer func() {
        if err := cluster.Close(); err != nil {

    //get all topic from cluster
    topics, _ := cluster.Topics()


    config := sarama.NewConfig()
    config.Consumer.Return.Errors = true

    config.Version = sarama.V2_4_0_0

    //admin broker
    admin, err := sarama.NewClusterAdmin("localhost:9092", config)
    if err != nil {

    defer func() {
        if err := admin.Close(); err != nil {

    topic := []string{"test-topic"}
    output := admin.DeleteTopic(topic)

    if output == nil {
        fmt.Printf(" delete -  %s\n", topic[0])
    } else {

Note I am connecting over bastion instance into a remote by forwarding ssh ports.


after setting sarama.Logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "[sarama] ", log.LstdFlags) I get the following:

[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:03 Initializing new client
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:03 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 client/brokers registered new broker #1001 at ip-x-x-x-1.ec2.internal:9092
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 client/brokers registered new broker #1003 at ip-x-x-x-2.ec2.internal:9092
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 client/brokers registered new broker #1002 at ip-x-x-x-3.ec2.internal:9092
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 Successfully initialized new client
[sarama] 2020/03/25 02:08:04 Failed to connect to broker ip-x-x-x-3.ec2.internal:9092: dial tcp: lookup ip-x-x-x-3.ec2.internal: no such host`

Update 2

my kafka



  • When a client connects to the broker (in your case localhost:9092) the broker provides the client details of all the other brokers in the cluster. You can see this in your logs:

    Initial connection

    fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092

    Details of brokers:

    registered new broker #1001 at ip-x-x-x-1.ec2.internal:9092
    registered new broker #1003 at ip-x-x-x-2.ec2.internal:9092
    registered new broker #1002 at ip-x-x-x-3.ec2.internal:9092

    The problem you have is that your client will subsequently use these broker details for further communication with the cluster. These addresses that the broker gives out are known as the advertised listeners. That is, the listeners that the broker "advertises".

    This means that your client must be able to resolve and connect to the host & port of the listener(s) that the broker returns at the initial connection.

    The reason hacking your /etc/hosts worked is that your local client can then resolve these addresses back to localhost and then the SSH forwarding works. But this is just a hack.

    You should set your advertised.listeners in your broker configuration to addresses that a client can resolve (without needing any client-side /etc/hosts hacks).

    To read more about this in detail see my blog

    Edit: To be clear, you should set your advertised.listeners on each broker to the address that your clients can resolve - so if that's via localhost SSH forwarding, set advertised.listeners to localhost:9092.