I'm trying to run simple script inside docker container after start. Initialy previous developer decided to use s6 inside.
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
foreground { sleep 2 }
When i'm trying to start i'm gettings this message
execlineb: usage: execlineb [ -p | -P | -S nmin | -s nmin ] [ -q | -w | -W ] [ -c commandline ] script args
Looks like something wrong with executing this scripts or with execline.
I'm using docker for windows under windows10, however if somebody else trying to build this container in ubuntu(or any othe linux) evething is ok.
Can anybody help with this kind of problem?
DockerImage: simple alpine
According to our research of this "HUGE" problem we found two ways to solve it. Definitely it's a problem with special symbols, like '\r'
Option 1 dostounix:
install dostounix in your container(in docker file)
RUN apk --no-cache add \ dos2unix \
run it againts your sh script.
RUN for file in {PathToYourFiles}; do \ dos2unix $file; \ chmod a+xwr $file; \ done
Option 2 VsCode(or any textEditor):