I'm trying to add a new secondary cert to the service fabric, however I receive the following error. does any one have any pointers?
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate -ResourceGroupName '******' -Name '********' -SecretIdentifier '*************'
Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate -ResourceGroupName '****
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ServiceFabric.Commands.AddAzureRmServiceFabricClusterCertificate
I could not reproduce your issue, it works on my side.
Try to update the Az.ServiceFabric
with the command below, my version is 2.0.1
Update-Module -Name Az.ServiceFabric -Force
In azure keyvault, I use a self-signed certificate, make sure you use the SecretIdentifier
Then use the powershell and check the result in the portal.
Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCertificate -ResourceGroupName '<group-name>' -Name 'joyfabric' -SecretIdentifier 'https://joykeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/cer135/23c6706daeab47e59caca2431ad96a1c'