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How to set multiple argument with postgress helm 3.0

I want to set slave.extraVolumes as below.

helm install my-db --set replication.enabled=true,slave.extraVolumes={"db-disk-1","db-disk-2"} bitnami/postgresql -n development

But it says a error

Error: expected at most two arguments, unexpected arguments: bitnami/postgresql

Already tested ways:

helm install my-db --set replication.enabled=true,slave.extraVolumes={db-disk-1,db-disk-2} bitnami/postgresql -n development
Error: expected at most two arguments, unexpected arguments: bitnami/postgresql

helm install my-db --set replication.enabled=true,slave.extraVolumes="db-disk-1\,db-disk-2" bitnami/postgresql -n development
Error: YAML parse error on postgresql/templates/statefulset-slaves.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 115: could not find expected ':'


  • There are (at least) three things going on:

    • the slave.extraVolumes is a list of Volume structures, so just providing two names won't get it done
    • you are using characters that are meaningful to the shell without quoting them
    • but in the end it doesn't matter because you cannot represent complex structures using only --set syntax, you'll need --values with either a file or a process substitution
    helm install my-db \
       --set replication.enabled=true \
       --values <(echo '{
          "slave": {
            "extraVolumes": [
                "name": "db-disk-1",
                "emptyDir": {}
                "name": "db-disk-2",
                "emptyDir": {}
       }') \
       bitnami/postgresql -n development