My React Native 0.61.5 uses react-navigation 5.1
. Here is the root navigation code:
const BTab = createBottomTabNavigator();
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default function App() {
//const Appscreen = () => (<AppScreen data={data}/>);
return (
<Stack.Navigator InitialRouteName="Splash">
<Stack.Screen name="Splash" component={SplashScreen}}/>
<Stack.Screen name="App" component={AppScreen} } />
The component AppScreen
return a stack like this:
return (
<NavigationContainer independent={true}>
<BTab.Screen name="Event" component={Eventstack} />
<BTab.Screen name="Group" component={Groupstack} />
<BTab.Screen name="Contact" component={Contactstack} />
I notice that on the screen there are double header:
How can I remove the App
header and only keep the Group
add with the screen that you want to hide the header.
options= {{
headerShown: false
For further reading, kindly have a look at