I am having an issue with two way data binding and Angular 8
In the following example, my model (service.formData) is populated, but one of the variables (which is really a child table) is null(service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel) If I populate data in the database, the two way binding seems to work ok and retrieves and passes data back. But when the variable is null when the page loads, and I populate the model (HTML page), the object does not seem to get populated
I have placed both the HMTL, Angular Two Way data binding and JSON values below. Please help if possible. Thank you
<form #form="ngForm" autocomplete="off" (submit)="OnSubmit(form)" *ngIf="service.formData">
<div class="row" id="section1">
<div class="col-md-10">
<input type="hidden" name="ProjectID" #ProjectID="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.ProjectID" />
<input type="hidden" name="ProjectSshaspModel.ProjectSshaspID" #ProjectSshaspModel.ProjectSshaspID="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel.ProjectSshaspID" />
<input type="radio" id="not-required"
name="CompanyLogoRequired" #ProjectSshaspModel.CompanyLogoRequired="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel && service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel.CompanyLogoRequired" ng-checked="(CompanyLogoRequired==0)" [value]="0" />
Not Required
<input type="radio" id="incorporate"
name="CompanyLogoRequired" #ProjectSshaspModel.CompanyLogoRequired="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel && service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel.CompanyLogoRequired" ng-checked="(CompanyLogoRequired==1)" [value]="1" />
"projectModel": {
"ProjectSshaspModel": null,
"ProjectID": "a9400d92-de37-4c00-957e-08d7bbd4b4c5",
"ProjectNumber": "2020-1233",
"Consultant": "Joe Test",
"AssignedDate": "2020-02-28T00:00:00",
"ClientDueDate": "2020-02-29T00:00:00",
"ProjectCreationDate": "2020-02-28T00:00:00",
"ScopeOfWork": "Scope of work",
"Service": 0,
"ClientName": "Ebay",
"CompanyContact": "John Smith",
"CompanyContactPhone": "555-555-5555",
"CompanyContactEmail": "[email protected]",
"CompanyAddress": "123 Sesame Place Test, JN 01111",
"CompanyType": 2
Suppose your ngModel
is defined with the variable service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel.ProjectSshaspID
then its required that only the final variable is null, previous properties cannot be null
( in this case ProjectSshaspID
can only be null
. So I would suggested to initialize the variable during component initialization as shown below.
this.formData.ProjectSshaspModel = {};
Also why is your ngModel incorrectly defined with two variables.
[(ngModel)]="service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel && service.formData.ProjectSshaspModel.CompanyLogoRequired"
ngModel requires only one variable to update, so change it to one variable