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Why does my training function throw up the Name error "name decaying is not defined"?

So, i am new to NLP, and i am trying to train a text classifier using the spacy_transformers. this code has been shown to run, but it throws up errors on my computer. As a side note, could it be caused by the fat that i am running it on a cpu?

def train_classifier(n_epoch:int=5, 
    train_stats = []
    dropout = decaying(0.2, 0.1, 0.3) # Gradually decrease dropout rate from 0.2 to 0.1
    # Cyclic triangular rate (
    learn_rates = cyclic_triangular_rate(
        lr / 3, lr * 3, 2 * len(train_data) // batch_size

    for epoch in range(n_epoch):
        batches = minibatch(train_data, size=batch_size)
        losses = {}

        for batch in batches:
            optimizer.trf_lr = next(learn_rates)
            texts, cats = zip(*batch)
                drop = next(dropout),
                sgd = optimizer,

and then when i pass the function

train_classifier(n_epoch=10, train_data=train_data, val_text=val_text, val_label=val_label, batch_size=32, lr=2e-6)

i get the following error

<ipython-input-55-5bb071ef310c> in train_classifier(n_epoch, train_data, val_text, val_label, batch_size, lr)
      6                      lr:float=1e-3):
      7     train_stats = []
----> 8     dropout = decaying(0.2, 0.1, 0.3) # Gradually decrease dropout rate from 0.2 to 0.1
      9     # Cyclic triangular rate (
     10     learn_rates = cyclic_triangular_rate(

NameError: name 'decaying' is not defined


  • I'm not at all familiar with spacy, but after a few google searches it looks like this function may be dependent on spacy's util.decaying function. Without the decaying function loaded into memory, this train_classifier function will throw a NameError. The code for the decaying function is as follows and can be found here.

    def decaying(start, stop, decay):
        """Yield an infinite series of linearly decaying values."""
        curr = float(start)
        while True:
            yield max(curr, stop)
            curr -= decay