I want to push an element to an array inside another array inside a document using LINQ with latest MongoDb driver
here is the code:
public class Contract : BaseDocument
public ObjectId Id {get;set;}
public List<Payment> Payments {get;set;}
public class Payment : BaseDocument
public ObjectId Id {get;set;}
public double TotalPaymentAmount {get;set;}
public DateTime PaymentWorthDate {get;set;}
public List<PaymentTransaction> PaymentTransactions {get;set;}
public class PaymentTransaction
public double AmountPaid {get;set;}
public DateTime TransactionDateTime {get;set;}
So how to push new PaymentTransaction
to a specific Payment
in a particular Contract
using 'LINQ Expression' ?
stands for Language-Intergrated Query while you're trying to update the document so actually you need UpdateOne
method. Since you have more than one nested array you can leverage regular query to identify Contract
along with the $ positional operator to indicate which Payment
(nested object) should be modified.
.NET MongoDB driver offers a special syntax where you can pass -1
as an index to indicate that this item will be identified based on filtering condition. Try:
var filterBuilder = Builders<Contract>.Filter;
var filter = filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.Id, contractId) &
filterBuilder.ElemMatch(doc => doc.Payments, el => el.Id == paymentId);
var updateBuilder = Builders<Contract>.Update;
var update = updateBuilder.Push(doc => doc.Payments[-1].PaymentTransactions, new PaymentTransaction());
col.UpdateOne(filter, update);