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C# webbrowser postData -> default

I have a problem sending postData while user click on button on some webpage. It means that postData cannot be Null. Here is the code:

webBrowser1.Navigate(e.Url, "_self", default(byte[]), headers);

As you can see I've used default(byte[]) for postData overload, but this is not working. What I'm trying to do is NOT to change post data, just headers.

Edit: I do this like this:

private void webBrowser1_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e)
                webBrowser1.Navigate(e.Url, "_self", default(byte[], headers);


When the browser is navigating I add headers. This works, but when user press on some button or writes username and password into login forum and press submit, it doesn't work.


  • Just pass empty byte array. default of array is null, because arrays are reference type.