I'm not new to postgresql, but also I'm not exactly a specialist.
I have executed this sql to create a function in postgresql :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.trg_corrigeer_geometrie()
RETURNS trigger AS
IF NOT (st_isvalid(NEW.geometry)) THEN
NEW.geometry := st_multi(public.cleangeometry(NEW.geometry));
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION public.trg_corrigeer_geometrie()
OWNER TO postgres;
It returnes "Query returned sucessfully with ... "
When I try to check if it exists:
select * from pg_trigger where tgname = 'trg_corrigeer_geometrie'
It gives me an empty table. I don't really get why? The function public.cleangeometry does exist, it doesn't give me an error, so none of that can be the problem. I'm really a bit baffled by this.
You have succesfully created a function. Now you would need to bind it to an actual trigger:
create trigger trg_corriger_geometrie
before insert -- or "update" ?
on mytable
for each row
execute procedure func_corriger_geometrie()
I renamed the function from trg_corriger_geometrie()
to func_corriger_geometrie()
so the former can be used as the trigger name.
oid | tgrelid | tgname | tgfoid | tgtype | tgenabled | tgisinternal | tgconstrrelid | tgconstrindid | tgconstraint | tgdeferrable | tginitdeferred | tgnargs | tgattr | tgargs | tgqual | tgoldtable | tgnewtable :----- | :------ | :--------------------- | :----- | -----: | :-------- | :----------- | :------------ | :------------ | :----------- | :----------- | :------------- | ------: | :----- | :----- | :----- | :--------- | :--------- 367288 | 367284 | trg_corriger_geometrie | 367287 | 7 | O | f | 0 | 0 | 0 | f | f | 0 | | \x | null | null | null