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Java - Abstract Syntax Tree with grammar

i am building a simple grammar parser, with regex. It works but now i want to add Abstract Syntax Tree. But i still dont understand how to set it up. i included the parser. The parser gets a string and tokeniaze it with the lexer.
The tokens include the value and a type. Any idea how to setup nodes to build a AST?

public class Parser {
    lexer lex;
    Hashtable<String, Integer> data = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();

    public Parser( String str){
       ArrayList<Token> token = new ArrayList<Token>();

       String[] strpatt = { "[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+", //0
                            "\\=",// 7
                            "\\)",// 8

        lex = new lexer(strpatt, "[\\ \t\r\n]+");
    public int peek() {
      return lex.peek().type;
    public boolean peek( String[] regex) {
      return lex.peek(regex);
    public void set_data( String s) {
    public Token scan() {
      return lex.scan();
    public int goal() {
      int ret = 0;
      while(peek() != -1) {
        ret = expr();
      return ret;



  • Currently, you are simply evaluating as you parse:

    ret = ret * term()

    The easiest way to think of an AST is that it is just a different kind of evaluation. Instead of producing a numeric result from numeric sub-computations, as above, you produce a description of the computation from descriptions of the sub-computations. The description is represented as small structure which contains the essential information:

    ret = BuildProductNode(ret, term());

    Or, perhaps

        ret = BuildBinaryNode(Product, ret, term());

    It's a tree because the Node objects which are being passed around refer to other Node objects without there ever being a cycle or a node with two different parents.

    Clearly there are a lot of details missing from the above, particularly the precise nature of the Node object. But it's a rough outline.