5TH ATTEMPT (March 24, 2020)...
My steps to get it to build on a Mac...
1. Clone github > Embeddinator-4000
git clone https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000.git
2. cd into the cloned dir
3. Install other stuff:
git submodule update --recursive --init
4. Build objcgen
cd objcgen
This gets "0 Errors" but "No shellcheck tool found" for which I cannot find a resolution.
And I can't get objcgen to run with the C# recommended example:
cd ~/Projects/hello-from-csharp
objcgen ~/Projects/hello-from-csharp/hello-from-csharp/bin/Debug/hello-from-csharp.dll --target=framework --platform=iOS --outdir=output -c --debug
or with this example from Github > Embeddinator-4000:
Use mono ./bin/Debug/objcgen.exe --gen=Obj-C -o ./Output ManagedAssembly1.dll
My steps to get it to build on a Mac...
Clone github > Embeddinator-4000
git clone https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000.git
cd into the cloned dir
Install other stuff:
git submodule update --recursive --init
Build objcgen:
cd objcgen
Build the 'wrapper' (ie. command access) to objcgen:
make nuget