I'm using Blazer have the following query:
sum(active_paid_users_count) as Active,
sum(inactive_paid_users_count) as Inactive,
sum(free_users_count) as Free
FROM accounts
trialing = false
cancelled = false
This produces the following table:
I'd like to rotate this table so that I can get a pie chart result out of Blazer. It would end up looking like this:
Type Count
active 31
inactive 76
free 190
You can unpivot with a a lateral join. The upside is that this requires a single table scan:
select v.type, v.cnt
from (
sum(active_paid_users_count) as active,
sum(inactive_paid_users_count) as inactive,
sum(free_users_count) as free
from accounts
where trialing = false and cancelled = false
) t
cross join lateral (
values ('active', t.active), ('inactive', t.inactive), ('free', t.free)
) as v(type, cnt)