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Am I correct regarding this boolean method?

I was looking up how to perfect the movement in Java. The code I found looked like:

public void update() {
    for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT_KEYS; i++) {
        keysLast[i] = keys[i];  ////Sets buttons pressed this frame equal to the lastKey array

    for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT_BUTTONS; i++) {
        buttonsLast[i] = buttons[i];    //Sets buttons pressed this frame equal to the lastKey array
//keys Methods
public boolean isKeyPressed(int keycode) {
    return keys[keycode];
public boolean isKeyUp(int keycode) {
    return !keys[keycode] && keysLast[keycode]; //Does not return 2 values, it returns true if these conditions are met?

public boolean isKeyDown(int keycode) {
    return keys[keycode] && !keysLast[keycode];

I was wondering if my thought regarding this snippet is correct, my guess is commented next to it:

public boolean isKeyUp(int keycode) {
    return !keys[keycode] && keysLast[keycode];  //Does not return 2 values, it returns true if these conditions are met?

public boolean isKeyDown(int keycode) {
    return keys[keycode] && !keysLast[keycode];

It seems to my eye that methods isKeyDown and isKeyUp return 2 booleans. I thought that was impossible. But I tested it and it seems like it acts like an if-statement?. So if the statement after the return command is true it will return true?

*Am I correct? If so why does it act that way? *


  • First, does your code compile? The following would only be valid if your arrays returned a boolean value.

    return !keys[keycode] && keysLast[keycode];

    And if keys[keyCode] is true then !keys[KeyCode] would be false and the statement would return false since the rest of the expression need not be evaluated.