The code is asking a y/n question to the user and making a change - simple. The statement seems to accept only integer and float types and I need only two answers, so I used 1 and 0, and excluded the rest, BUT it reads only numbers, so only the numbers are excluded, not characters.
(defrule rule01
(printout t "Question (yes=1/no=0)?" crlf)
(bind ?x (read))
(if (!= ?x 1)
(if (= ?x 0)
(assert (rule01 no))
else (printout t "Use ONLY 0 OR 1 for your answers!" crlf))
else (assert (rule01 yes))))
Currently, when you try to type in a character, it returns the following:
CLIPS> (run)
Question (yes=1/no=0)?
[ARGACCES5] Function <> expected argument #1 to be of type integer or float
[PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of defrule rule01.
How can I put in an exception for characters?
Use eq and neq in place of = and <>.
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
(defrule rule01
(printout t "Question (yes=1/no=0)?" crlf)
(bind ?x (read))
(if (neq ?x 1)
(if (eq ?x 0)
(assert (rule01 no))
else (printout t "Use ONLY 0 OR 1 for your answers!" crlf))
else (assert (rule01 yes))))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Question (yes=1/no=0)?
Use ONLY 0 OR 1 for your answers!