There's an interface, let's say A. I have multiple classes that implements that interface A. Those classes also consists of class variable of type A. So, it's like:
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.Class, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.Property, property = "className")
@Type(value = abstractClass.class, name = "abstractClass"),
@Type(value = subClass1.class, name = "subClass1"),
@Type(value = subClass2.class, name = "subClass2"),
interface A {
abstract class abstractClass implements A {
int abstractvar1;
class subClass1 extends abstractClass {
int var1;
int var2;
A var3;
A var4;
class subClass2 extends abstractClass {
int var1;
int var2;
A var3;
class subClass3 extends abstractClass {
float var1;
int var2;
A var3;
and more classes defined trying to extend abstractClass..
Constructors, getters and setters are already defined.
Class which consists of all the variables
class Implementor {
int implementorVar1;
String implementorVar2;
A implementorVar3;
int implementorVar4;
So, I want to serialize the Implementor class into JSON. I'm using Jackson for the same. So, I added @jsonTypeInfo and @type to interface so that they have a concrete class to work upon. But when I try to serialize the subClasses, only var1 and var2 are serialized which is of int type, and not var3/var4 which are of type A. How can I serialize those variables too?
Json I'm getting if I try to serialize Implementor:
"implementorVar1": 1,
"implementorVar2": "hello",
"implementorVar3": {
"className": "subClass2",
"abstractVar1": 45,
"implementorVar4": 1000
Json I'm expecting:
"implementorVar1": 1,
"implementorVar2": "hello",
"implementorVar3": {
"className": "subClass2",
"abstractVar1" : 45,
"var1": 45,
"var2": 56,
"var3": {
"className": "subClass3",
"var1": 2,
"var2": 5,
"var3" : {
"className" : "" ...
"implementorVar4": 1000
I reproduced your code with a few changes and it works for me when implemented as below (serialisation and deserialisation), so let me know if this matches your expectations. The main points to note are a couple of minor corrections to annotations, and I discovered that with default configuration it is absolutely crucial to have correct getters and setters else properties WILL NOT be serialised - that seems like the most likely problem.
Personally I would look into using configuration to allows Jackson to use properties directly as I hate blanket getters and setters that leak all your inner state publicly instead of encapsulating it and exposing specific behaviour but that's just opinion - not related to your question!
"implementorVar1" : 1,
"implementorVar2" : "hello",
"implementorVar3" : {
"className" : "subClass2",
"var1" : 1,
"var2" : 2,
"var3" : {
"className" : "subClass3",
"var1" : 1.0,
"var2" : 2,
"var3" : {
"className" : "subClass1",
"var1" : 1,
"var2" : 2
"implementorVar4" : 1000
Code snippets:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Implementor target = new Implementor(1, "hello",
new SubClass2(1, 2,
new SubClass3(1F, 2,
new SubClass1(1, 2))),
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = mapper
Implementor deserialised = mapper.readValue(json, Implementor.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
class Implementor {
private int implementorVar1;
private String implementorVar2;
private A implementorVar3;
private int implementorVar4;
public Implementor() {}
public Implementor(int implementorVar1, String implementorVar2, A implementorVar3, int implementorVar4) {
this.implementorVar1 = implementorVar1;
this.implementorVar2 = implementorVar2;
this.implementorVar3 = implementorVar3;
this.implementorVar4 = implementorVar4;
public int getImplementorVar1() {
return implementorVar1;
public void setImplementorVar1(int implementorVar1) {
this.implementorVar1 = implementorVar1;
// Other getters/setters omitted
// Default configuration ABSOLUTELY requires getters and setters for all properties in all serialised classes
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "className")
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = SubClass1.class, name = "subClass1"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = SubClass2.class, name = "subClass2"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = SubClass3.class, name = "subClass3")
interface A {
int func1();
int func2();
class SubClass1 extends AbstractClass {
private int var1;
private int var2;
public SubClass1() {}
public SubClass1(int var1, int var2) {
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
public int func1() {
return 0;
public int func2() {
return 0;
// getters and setters omitted but they HAVE to be there
class SubClass2 extends AbstractClass {
private int var1;
private int var2;
private A var3;
public SubClass2() {}
public SubClass2(int var1, int var2, A var3) {
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
this.var3 = var3;
// getters and setters omitted but they HAVE to be there
class SubClass3 extends AbstractClass {
private float var1;
private int var2;
private A var3;
public SubClass3() {}
public SubClass3(float var1, int var2, A var3) {
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
this.var3 = var3;
public int func1() {
return 0;
public int func2() {
return 0;
// getters and setters omitted but they HAVE to be there