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Running Maven Exec Plugin Inside Eclipse

Using m2eclipse, what is the simplest way to use the Codehaus Mojo Exec Plugin to launch my project without leaving eclipse? So far on the pom plugins screen I have set up the org.codehuas.mojo plugin.

Specifically, I would like to execute the following from inside eclipse:

mvn exec:java


    1. go to Run menu -> run configurations
    2. you should see a "Maven Build" item on the list of the left, double click it to create a new configuration of that type
    3. name it as you want
    4. browse workspace to select the base directory of your project
    5. set exec:java as the goal, and exec.mainClass / yourClass as parameters.

    This is how it looks on my set-up:

    enter image description here

    PD: if you have set the mainClass argument on the pom.xml, then the parameter from the execution will be disregarded.