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Problem with mocking glob does not called for for loop

I am using mock to test something I developed. In the app, I am using glob to loop for something in a directory for example: '/tmp/*.png'. It will collect all .png files in the directory and return a list of that files.

When I mock glob, it returns the calls. However it does not go well when used to loop in a for loop.
import os
import click
import hashlib
import glob

def bar(x):
    return os.path.basename(x)

def foo(path):
    images = glob.glob(path)
    for i in images:

if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import unittest
import mock
import tempfile
import stack

class StackTest(unittest.TestCase):

    temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    temp_rg3 = os.path.join(temp_dir, "testfile.rg3")

    def test_stack(self, mock_glob, mock_hashlib, mock_os):


This is the return:


After glob has been called in glob.glob(path) its return value does not reflect for images. Thus the for loop does not commence and bar(i) is not called, consequently mock_os returns no calls.


  • If I understood your question, it seems that you have not set a return value to your mock.

    When you generate a MagicMock object, its default return value is the mock instance itself, as explained here. This instance is not an iterator and therefore won't do anything when iterated by a for loop.

    You can provide the return values as below, changing your mock to also be the specific function you are calling:

    @mock.patch('stack.glob.glob', return_value=['a.png', 'b.png', 'c.png'])
    def test_stack(self, mock_glob, mock_hashlib, mock_os):