We're implementing a paper titled - "Variational Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering" in TF 2.0. The sample implementation of the above paper in TF 1.0 is given here.
The paper proposes an implementation of a Variational Autoencoder for collaborative filtering. As the output of the encoder, it uses the reparametrization trick to sample the latent vector Z at the time of training the network.
The reparametrization trick samples ϵ ∼ N (0, IK) and reparametrize the latent vector Z as: Zu = µϕ(xu ) + ϵ ⊙ σϕ(xu) where µϕ and σϕ are calculated from the output of the encoder.
But, at the time of prediction, the paper proposes to use only µϕ for sampling Z.
In our implementation, we used a custom tf.keras.layers.Layer to sample the latent vector Z. The following is the code of the architecture:
class Reparameterize(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
Custom layer.
Reparameterization trick, sample random latent vectors Z from
the latent Gaussian distribution.
The sampled vector Z is given by
sampled_z = mean + std * epsilon
def call(self, inputs):
Z_mu, Z_logvar = inputs
Z_sigma = tf.math.exp(0.5 * Z_logvar)
epsilon = tf.random.normal(tf.shape(Z_sigma))
return Z_mu + Z_sigma * epsilon
class VAE:
def __init__(self, input_dim, latent_dim=200):
# encoder
encoder_input = Input(shape=input_dim)
X = tf.math.l2_normalize(encoder_input, 1)
X = Dropout(0.5)(X)
X = Dense(600, activation='tanh')(X)
Z_mu = Dense(latent_dim)(X)
Z_logvar = Dense(latent_dim)(X)
sampled_Z = Reparameterize()([Z_mu, Z_logvar])
# decoder
decoder_input = Input(shape=latent_dim)
X = Dense(600, activation='tanh')(decoder_input)
logits = Dense(input_dim)(X)
# define losses
custom loss function
def loss(X_true, X_pred)
# create models
self.encoder = Model(encoder_input, [Z_logvar, Z_mu, sampled_Z], name='encoder')
self.decoder = Model(decoder_input, logits, name='decoder')
self.vae = Model(encoder_input, self.decoder(sampled_Z), name='vae')
self.vae.add_loss(kl_divergence(Z_logvar, Z_mu))
# compile the model
self.vae.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=loss, metrics=[loss])
Now, I am looking for a way to change the implementation of the custom Reparameterize layer at the time of prediction to use only µϕ (Z_mu) for sampling Z so as to achieve what is proposed by the paper mentioned above.
Or if there's another way of doing so in Tf 2.0, kindly recommend.
You could do:
# create your VAE model
my_vae = VAE(input_dim = my_input_dim)
# Train it as you wish
# .....
When training is done, you could use it as follows:
inp = Input(shape = my_input_dim)
_, Z_mu,_ = my_vae.encoder(inp) # my_vae is your trained model, get its outputs
decoder_output = my_vae.decoder(Z_mu) # use the Z_mu as input to decoder
vae_predictor = Model(inp, decoder_output) # create your prediction time model
You could use the vae_predictor model now for predictions.