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How to get multi-class roc_auc in cross validate in sklearn?

I have a classification problem where I want to get the roc_auc value using cross_validate in sklearn. My code is as follows.

from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =[:, :2]  # we only take the first two features.
y =

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
clf=RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 0, class_weight="balanced")

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
cross_validate(clf, X, y, cv=10, scoring = ('accuracy', 'roc_auc'))

However, I get the following error.

ValueError: multiclass format is not supported

Please note that I selected roc_auc specifically is that it supports both binary and multiclass classification as mentioned in:

I have binary classification dataset too. Please let me know how to resolve this error.

I am happy to provide more details if needed.


  • By default multi_class='raise' so you need explicitly to change this.

    From the docs:

    multi_class {‘raise’, ‘ovr’, ‘ovo’}, default=’raise’

    Multiclass only. Determines the type of configuration to use. The default value raises an error, so either 'ovr' or 'ovo' must be passed explicitly.


    Computes the AUC of each class against the rest [3] [4]. This treats the multiclass case in the same way as the multilabel case. Sensitive to class imbalance even when average == 'macro', because class imbalance affects the composition of each of the ‘rest’ groupings.


    Computes the average AUC of all possible pairwise combinations of classes [5]. Insensitive to class imbalance when average == 'macro'.


    Use make_scorer (docs):

    from sklearn import datasets
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    X =[:, :2]  # we only take the first two features.
    y =
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    clf=RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 0, class_weight="balanced")
    from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
    from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
    myscore = make_scorer(roc_auc_score, multi_class='ovo',needs_proba=True)
    from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
    cross_validate(clf, X, y, cv=10, scoring = myscore)