I have a list as
List<Tuple3<Object1, Mono<List<Object2>>, Mono<List<Object3>>>>
And I need to write a method with signature as
private Mono<Dto> buildDto(List<Tuple3<Object1, Mono<List<Object2>>, Mono<List<Object3>>>> tuples) {...}
How I can follow all items in tuples
list one by one to obtain values of Object1, Object2, Object3 without skipping no one of them?
I tried to execute
AtomicReference<Dto> dtoAtomic = new AtomicReference<>(buildEmptyDto());
return tuples.stream()
.map(tuple3 -> {
return Mono.zip(tuple3.getT2(), tuple3.getT3(),
(object2, object3) -> {
Dto dto = dtoAtomic.get();
return dto;
But there is only one Mono.zip(...) could be obtained but I need to obtain all of tuples.
Solved by using Flux.fromIterable(tuples)