Currently using "react-native-webview": "^6.11.1"
in application. While loading a website, there's a pop up which need to be approved. How can I enable/allow webview to display the pop up?
Tried on a few things:
to TRUE (WkWebview) and FALSE (UIWebview)onShouldStartLoadWithRequest
to return true for every URLTo be more specific, the pop I mentioned looks like below when you run it on Desktop Chrome. There should be one pop up blocker notification requesting you to allow pop up.
Append the following code in RNCWKWebView.m
under method didMoveToWindow
wkWebViewConfig.preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = YES;
wkWebViewConfig.preferences.javaScriptEnabled = YES;
Btw, im using WKWebView.
They key here is javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically which is actually set to NO as default value for iOS according to Apple docs
The default value is NO in iOS and YES in macOS.
Setting the this value to YES, indicates whether JavaScript can open windows without user interaction. In this case, I'm tackling with the
function from my website's javascript.