I am using AVSpeechSynthesizer
inside a WatchKit App Extension.
The logic is simple, and can be summarized as the following:
let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: "Hello, World")
This works fine but the speech always gets relayed via the Apple Watch's onboard speakers.
I require the speech to come through my airpods which are connected to my iPhone.
Previously I had delegated the task to the iPhone via WatchConnectivity
which worked well but due to delays in WatchConnectivity
communication, I moved the control logic directly onto the Apple Watch.
I thought watchOS
would internally hand over the audio to the BLE device but it's not going as planned.
Maybe I am missing something?
Do I need to specify the audio channel synth.outputChannels
Do I need to show the AirPlay popup asking user to select an audio output source?
If so how do I go about this?
I am unable to find much information on this matter online so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am just trying to find a way to get the speech over my AirPods.
You can use the following code to display an audio device picker and direct audio to the selected device:
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
do {
try session.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback,
mode: .default,
policy: .longFormAudio,
options: [])
session.activate(options: []) { (success, error) in
// Check for an error and play audio.
if let err = error) {
} catch {