I'm trying several ways to implement image dragging (from my app to other apps) in macOS but none of them is working. The image is a Data() object, which was taken from the clipboard, not an URL.
My code:
.onDrag {
return NSItemProvider(object: NSImage(data: self.item.value) ?? NSImage())
It says
Argument type 'NSImage' does not conform to expected type 'NSItemProviderWriting'
I tried with text and it's working. But can't find a way to drag an image.
The following works as Drag&Drop from testing SwiftUI app to TextEdit. Testing image image is stored in Assets.xcassets
.onDrag {
NSItemProvider(item: NSImage(named: "image")?.tiffRepresentation as NSSecureCoding?,
typeIdentifier: kUTTypeTIFF as String)