I am trying to use ngx-graph in my project to draw a hierarchical graph. I have issue with links that connecting two nodes. I have tried all curve types, but not getting expected result.
Here is some code snippets:
<ng-template #nodeTemplate let-node>
<svg:g class="node">
<svg:rect [attr.width]="100" [attr.height]="50" fill ="#fff" stroke-width ="1" stroke = "#000" />
<svg:text alignment-baseline="central" [attr.x]="10" [attr.y]="node.dimension.height / 2">{{node.label}}</svg:text>
layoutSettings = {
orientation: 'TB'
nodes: Node[] = [
id: 'first',
label: 'Parent'
}, {
id: 'c1',
label: 'Child 1'
}, {
id: 'c2',
label: 'Child 2'
}, {
id: 'c3',
label: 'Child 3'
links: Edge[] = [
id: 'a',
source: 'first',
target: 'c1',
label: 'is parent of'
}, {
id: 'b',
source: 'first',
target: 'c2',
label: 'custom label'
}, {
id: 'c',
source: 'first',
target: 'c3',
label: 'custom label'
Output that I am getting is:
Expected output is:
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated Thank you.
I found answer for my own question. This can be achieved by custom layouts. Here you can found a custom layout, which resolves my issue.