I want to make a mp3 player with Arduino nano, a mini dfplayer mp3 and 3 buttons (next,prev,pause/resume).
I found the datasheet to make the connection and I tried this one:
The powersource will be a powerbank 5V 1A but for the test I am using the usb pluged in the pc.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <DFPlayerMini_Fast.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
DFPlayerMini_Fast myDFPlayer;
void setup()
void loop()
myDFPlayer.play(1); //play mp3 file with leading identifier "0001"
myDFPlayer.volume(1); //set volume low
delay(100); //wait 100ms
myDFPlayer.volume(30); //crank that stuff!
delay(100); //wait another 100ms
while(1); //halt
So my problem is that I can upload the code without errors and the light of the mp3 module is enabled, BUT when I connect the speaker is disconnecting and I hear the sound from the windows 10 when something is disconnecting.
The sound is like an old tv without signal.
I gave you a code without any button usage because this is not my problem and I can handle this.
Rx,Tx resistor is 1kΩ.
Buttons resistor is 10KΩ
Yes I have formatted the sd card to fat32 and I have a folder under the root called mp3 with 5 mp3 files 0001,0002,0003 etc.
The speaker it isn't soldered yes, so I just attach the wires(speaker1 and speaker2 of the module) to see if it works.
The speaker has worked before.
Library: https://github.com/PowerBroker2/DFPlayerMini_Fast
If you want anything else ask me!
Powering the MP3 module/speakers off of an external 5V power supply should fix it (based off of what you describe to be happening).