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How do i get data of a row with MAX(field) for each unique id

I have one table GameData

   1             100       1      50     asd
   2             150       1      100    asd
   3             200       2      150    asd
   4             200       2      40     qwe
   5             100       1      60     qwe
   6             90        1      30     qwe
   7             180       2      10     qwe

Given userId i want to get rows with highest playTime for each unique gameId.

For example if userId is = "asd" query should return:



if userId is = "qwe" query should return:



This is what i tried but it doenst give desired result:

 "SELECT GameData.score,MAX(GameData.playTime) as playTime,GameData.gameId FROM GameDataWHERE GameData.userId=? GROUP BY GameData.gameId"


  • You may try below query -

    SELECT GD.playTime, GD.gameId, GD.score
    FROM (SELECT MAX(playTime) playTime, gameId
          FROM GameData
          WHERE userId = 'qwe'   -- Or asd
          GROUP BY gameId) M_ID
    JOIN GameData GD ON M_ID.playTime = GD.playTime
                     AND M_ID.gameId = GD.gameId