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How to use Amazon EFS with EKS in Terraform

So far I have 2 directories:

aws/ k8s/

Inside aws/ are .tf files describing a VPC, networking, security groups, IAM roles, EKS cluster, EKS node group, and a few EFS mounts. These are all using the AWS provider, the state in stored in S3.

Then in k8s/ I'm then using the Kubernetes provider and creating Kubernetes resources inside the EKS cluster I created. This state is stored in the same S3 bucket in a different state file.

I'm having trouble figuring out how to mount the EFS mounts as Persistent Volumes to my pods.

I've found docs describing using an efs-provisioner pod to do this. See How do I use EFS with EKS?.

In more recent EKS docs they now say to use Amazon EFS CSI Driver. The first step is to do a kubectl apply of the following file.

kind: Kustomization
- ../../base
- name: amazon/aws-efs-csi-driver
  newTag: v0.2.0
- name:
  newTag: v1.1.0
- name:
  newTag: v1.1.0

Does anyone know how I would do this in Terraform? Or how in general to mount EFS file shares as PVs to an EKS cluster?


  • @BMW had it right, I was able to get this all into Terraform.

    In the aws/ directory I created all my AWS resources, VPC, EKS, workers, etc. and EFS mounts.

    resource "aws_efs_file_system" "example" {
      creation_token = "${var.cluster-name}-example"
      tags = {
        Name = "${var.cluster-name}-example"
    resource "aws_efs_mount_target" "example" {
      count = 2
      file_system_id =
      subnet_id = aws_subnet.this.*.id[count.index]
      security_groups = []

    I also export the EFS file system IDs from the AWS provider plan.

    output "efs_example_fsid" {
      value =

    After the EKS cluster is created I had to manually install the EFS CSI driver into the cluster before continuing.

    Then in the k8s/ directory I reference the aws/ state file so I can use the EFS file system IDs in the PV creation.

    data "terraform_remote_state" "remote" {
      backend = "s3"
      config = {
        bucket = "example-s3-terraform"
        key    = "aws-provider.tfstate"
        region = "us-east-1"

    Then created the Persistent Volumes using the Kubernetes provider.

    resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "example" {
      metadata {
        name = "example-efs-pv"
      spec {
        storage_class_name = "efs-sc"
        persistent_volume_reclaim_policy = "Retain"
        capacity = {
          storage = "2Gi"
        access_modes = ["ReadWriteMany"]
        persistent_volume_source {
          nfs {
            path = "/"
            server = data.terraform_remote_state.remote.outputs.efs_example_fsid