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Dagger2, adding a binding for ViewModelProvider.Factory in a dependant component

The Problem

When attempting to add a ViewModel bind into the multibinding for an inherited ViewModelFactory (created with no scope) within a lower scope (@FragmentScope), I keep running into this error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown model class

What I've read or tried

(note: the below is not by any means an exhaustive list, but are two good examples of resources and the kinds of advice I've perused)

I'm relatively new to working with Dagger so I had to do a lot of Googling to try and understand what has been going on, but I've reached a point where, to my understanding, something should be working(?)...

From sources similar to [1], I removed the @Singleton scope on ViewModelFactory, but I still get the aforementioned crash saying there is no model class found in the mapping.

From sources similar to [2] I tried to reinforce my understanding of how dependencies worked and how items are exposed to dependant components. I know and understand how ViewModelProvider.Factory is available to my MyFragmentComponent and it's related Modules.

However I do not understand why the @Binds @IntoMap isn't working for the MyFragmentVM.

The Code

Let me first go through the setup of the stuff that already exists in the application -- almost none of it was scoped for specific cases

// AppComponent
@Component(modules=[AppModule::class, ViewModelModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
    fun viewModelFactory(): ViewModelProvider.Factory

    fun inject(activity: MainActivity)
    // ... and other injections

// AppModule
class AppModule {
    fun providesSomething(): Something

    // a bunch of other providers for the various injection sites, all @Singleton scoped

// ViewModelModule
abstract class ViewModelModule {
    abstract fun bindsViewModelFactory(factory: ViewModelFactory): ViewModelProvider.Factory

    abstract fun bindsMainActivityVM(vm: MainActivityVM): ViewModel

// VMFactory
class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(
    private val creators: Map<Class<out ViewModel>, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider<ViewModel>>
): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        val creator = creators[modelClass] ?: creators.entries.firstOrNull {
        }?.value ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown model class $modelClass")

        try {
            return creator.get() as T
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)

And the following is how I am trying to add and utilize my @FragmentScope:

// MyFragmentComponent
    dependencies = [AppComponent::class],
    modules = [MyFragmentModule::class, MyFragmentVMModule::class]
interface MyFragmentComponent {
    fun inject(fragment: MyFragment)

// MyFragmentModule
class MyFragmentModule {
    fun providesVMDependency(): VMDependency {
        // ...

// MyFragmentVMModule
abstract class MyFragmentVMModule {
    abstract fun bindsMyFragmentVM(vm: MyFragmentVM): ViewModel

// MyFragment
class MyFragment : Fragment() {
    internal lateinit var vmFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory

    private lateinit var viewModel: MyFragmentVM

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, vmFactory).get(

What's interesting here to note is that MyFragmentModule itself does NOT end up providing any unique injections for MyFragment (those all come from AppComponent as it is right now). It DOES however, provide unique injections for the ViewModel that MyFragment uses.


  • The root of this problem is the difference between subcomponents and component dependencies.


    When working with subcomponents, the parent component knows everything about its subcomponents. As such, when a subcomponent requests a multibinding, the parent component can combine its contributions with those of the subcomponent. This even works transitively: if the subcomponent requests an unscoped ViewModelProvider.Factory, the injected map will include bindings from the subcomponent. (The same is true of a @Reusable binding, but not a @Singleton.)

    If you change your components with dependencies into subcomponents, everything will just work. However, this might not fit your desired architecture. In particular, this is impossible if MyFragmentComponent is in an Instant App module.

    Component dependencies

    When working with component dependencies, the main component merely exposes objects through provision methods, and it does not know about any components that might depend on it. This time, when asked for a ViewModelProvider.Factory, the main component does not have access to any @ViewModelKey bindings except its own, and so the Factory it returns will not include the MyFragmentVM binding.

    If MyFragmentComponent does not require any ViewModel bindings from AppComponent, you can extract bindsViewModelFactory into its own module and include it in both components. That way, both components can create their own Factory independently.

    If you do need some ViewModel bindings from AppComponent, hopefully you can add those binding modules to MyFragmentComponent as well. If not, you would have to expose the map in AppComponent, and then somehow combine those entries with your new bindings. Dagger does not provide a good way to do this.