I would like all rows where in particular field name 'hello' is present to get colored
green. I tried this on customdrawcell
if abstable1.fieldbyname('somename').asstring = 'Hello' then
But it wont work... what am I missing here ?
Don't try to change canvas colors in the Grid. Rather--and I find this to always be true--change colors in the View's OnDrawCell handler, as in this example:
procedure T_fmTabSnapList.View1CustomDrawCell(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView;
ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean);
if abstable1.fieldbyname('somename').asstring = 'Hello' then
ACanvas.Brush.Color := clGreen
The cxGrid is just a container for Views. Views are where all the painting occurs. s