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Style GeoJSON in react leaflet map library

I have implemented the leaflet map library in my react project and implemented a geojson map component like below

class MapContainer extends React.Component {
  state = {
    greenIcon: {
      lat: 8.3114,
      lng: 80.4037
    zoom: 8

  grenIcon = L.icon({
    iconUrl: leafGreen,
    iconSize: [24, 24], // size of the icon
    //iconAnchor: [22, 94], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
    popupAnchor: [-3, -16]

  render() {

    const positionGreenIcon = [,

    return (
      <div className="mapdata-container">
        <Map className="map" style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}} center={positionGreenIcon} zoom={this.state.zoom}>
          <GeoJSON data={geo}/>
          <Marker position={positionGreenIcon} icon={this.grenIcon}>
            <Popup>I am a green leaf</Popup>

export default MapContainer;

It looks like this

enter image description here

i want to color each province with different colors and there's not alot in the documentation of how to do this.

This is the geojson file i've used.

How do i fill each province with different colors.


  • You can easily achieve that using style prop on your GeoJSON wrapper. Create a style method which accepts the feature as argument. Then in the fillColor property use the properties: { electoralDistrict } to identify the district and return the desired color: Here is an example of how it could be:

    class MapContainer extends React.Component {
      state = {
        greenIcon: {
          lat: 8.3114,
          lng: 80.4037
        zoom: 8
      grenIcon = L.icon({
        iconSize: [24, 24], // size of the icon
        //iconAnchor: [22, 94], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
        popupAnchor: [-3, -16],
        iconUrl: leafGreen
      giveColor = district => {
        switch (district) {
          case "Matara":
            return "red";
          case "Polonnaruwa":
            return "brown";
          case "Ampara":
            return "purple";
            return "white";
      style = feature => {
        const {
          properties: { electoralDistrict }
        } = feature;
        return {
          fillColor: this.giveColor(electoralDistrict),
          weight: 0.3,
          opacity: 1,
          color: "purple",
          dashArray: "3",
          fillOpacity: 0.5
      render() {
        const positionGreenIcon = [
        return (
          <div className='mapdata-container'>
              style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100%" }}
              <GeoJSON data={geo} style={} />
              <Marker position={positionGreenIcon} icon={this.grenIcon}>
                <Popup>I am a green leaf</Popup>