If I have a hypothesis in my proof context that looks like H: True -> P
and I want to convert it to H: P
, what's the easiest way to do this? I tried simpl in H
but it does nothing, and the only way I've found is the extremely unsatisfactory pose proof (H Coq.Init.Logic.I) as H
. Isn't there a simpler way?
There are two ways to work with this, besides using pose proof
.This tactics allows you to provide arguments to you hypotheses. In you case you could do
specialize (H I).
or even
specialize H with (1 := I).
and you can use as
if you want to create a copy rather than instantiate H
.I think this is what you want here. forward H.
will ask you to prove the first hypothesis of H
. So you will do something like this:
forward H.
- auto.
- (* Then resume with H : P *)
but you can also provide it with a (goal-closing) tactic:
forward H by auto.
(* Now you have one goal, and H has type P *)
is—as of yet—not part of the standard library. It can however be defined pretty easily (here is the definition from the MetaCoq library).
Ltac forward_gen H tac :=
match type of H with
| ?X -> _ => let H' := fresh in assert (H':X) ; [tac|specialize (H H'); clear H']
Tactic Notation "forward" constr(H) := forward_gen H ltac:(idtac).
Tactic Notation "forward" constr(H) "by" tactic(tac) := forward_gen H tac.
Note that simpl
here doesn't work because it's not really a tactic to simplify hypotheses in the usual sense, it's really just a tactic to apply some computation rules, it basically evaluates the goal or the hypothesis you apply it on. True -> P
does not reduce to P
because it would then take one fewer argument.